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'''The following weapons can be seen in the film U.S. Marshals:'''
[[Image:US Marshals.jpg|thumb|right|301px|''U.S. Marshals'' (1998)]]
[[Image:US Marshals.jpg|right|300px]]

'''''U.S. Marshals''''' is the 1998 follow-up to the 1993 film ''[[The Fugitive]]''. [[Tommy Lee Jones]] returns as Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard, who along with his team are determined to track down an escaped prisoner ([[Wesley Snipes]]) who may be a covert CIA assassin.  The film was directed by Stuart Baird (''[[Executive Decision]]).

== Glock 22 ==

The [[Glock#Glock 22|Glock 22]] pistol appears in the film as the main weapon of U.S. Deputy Marshal Sam Gerard ([[Tommy Lee Jones]]) and his fellow deputies. Later in the film, Special Agent John Royce ([[Robert Downey Jr.]]) can be seen using one when he and Gerard are pursuing Mark Sheridan ([[Wesley Snipes]]) aboard the cargo ship, breaking up a fight between Sheridan and Gerard by shooting Sheridan in the shoulder after Sheridan gets ahold of Gerard's Glock and pistol-whips Gerard in the back with it. Near the end of the film, royce attempts to use his Glock to kill Sheridan and Gerard, only to discover that Gerard had replaced the magazine with an empty one from his gun.
{{Film Title}}

(It is revealed in the film that Gerard carries the G22 during the hospital scene, when Gerard points out that Royce is now carrying a Glock and Royce replies, "Yeah, Glock .40, just like yours.")
__TOC__<br clear=all>

[[Image:Glock 22.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Glock 22 .40 S&W]]
{{spoiler|MAJOR SPOILERS}}
[[Image:Vlcsnap-283965.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Gerard with his Glock 22.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-284448.jpg|thumb|none|400px|A close-up of Royce's Glock 22 during the scene on the boat.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-286546.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Sheridan pointing Gerard's Glock 22 at him after taking it from him.]]

==Glock 22==
2nd Generation [[Glock 22]] pistols appears in the film as the main sidearm of Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard ([[Tommy Lee Jones]]) and his fellow Marshals. In contrast to ''[[The Fugitive]]'', where Gerard was the only Marshal who carried the Glock 22, it is depicted in this film as the standard sidearm of the entire team, reflecting the transition to .40 S&W Glocks in the Marshal Service in real life. Later in the film, U.S. Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent John Royce ([[Robert Downey Jr.]]) can be seen using one when he and Gerard are pursuing Mark Sheridan ([[Wesley Snipes]]) aboard the cargo ship, breaking up a fight between Sheridan and Gerard by shooting Sheridan in the shoulder after Sheridan gets ahold of Gerard's Glock and pistol-whips Gerard in the back with it. Near the end of the film, Royce attempts to kill Gerard and Sheridan in Sheridan's hospital room, but finds that Gerard has anticipated this and unloaded it when he wasn't looking. When Gerard points out in the hospital that Royce is now carrying a Glock instead of his [[Taurus PT945]] (see below), Royce replies, ''"Yeah, Glock .40, just like yours"''. Gerard also incorrectly states that the G22 can fire underwater (while it can fire a few rounds, it would likely still jam).
[[Image:Glock 22.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Glock 22 2nd Generation - .40 S&W]]
[[Image:USM-G22-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Deputy US Marshal Noah Newman ([[Tom Wood]]) bursts into the fugitive's house at the beginning of the film with his Glock 22 drawn.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard ([[Tommy Lee Jones]]) fires his Glock 22 at Chen during the cemetery shootout.]]
[[Image:IMFDB-LaTanyaRichardson-USM.jpg‎|thumb|none|600px|Deputy Marshal Savannah Cooper ([[LaTanya Richardson]]) aims her Glock at Chen on the roof of the funeral home. She doesn't have the best grip here, but she had just drawn the pistol one-handed while holding a radio in her other hand.]]
[[Image:IMFDB-DanielRoebuck-USM.jpg‎|thumb|none|600px|''"Drop it, or I drop you!"'' <BR> Deputy Marshal Bobby Biggs ([[Daniel Roebuck]]) aims his Glock at Chen on the roof of the funeral home. Notice the horrible cup-and-saucer grip, and the low grasp with his dominant hand.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard aims his Glock 22 at Sheridan atop the apartment building.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-4.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Royce draws his new Glock 22 while on the freighter.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-5.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Excellent close-up of Gerard's Glock 22 as he struggles with Sheridan on the freighter. Note that in both images, it is possible to see the second pin on the frame for the locking block; this is the primary visual difference (besides markings) which distinguishes the 2nd Gen .40-caliber Glocks from the 9mm versions of the same generation.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-6.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan holds Gerard's Glock 22 on him.]]
[[Image:IMFDB-TommyLeeJones-USM.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard aims his Glock 22 at Sheridan.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-7.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard hands Royce back his Glock 22 after swapping out the loaded magazine. Royce doesn't seem to notice the difference in the weight of his Glock after 15 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson disappeared.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-8.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Royce holds his Glock 22 on Gerard.]]
[[Image:USM-G22-Yours&Mine.jpg|thumb|none|600px|''"I got yours, you got mine."'' <BR> Note the .40 caliber rounds in the magazine.]]

== Taurus PT945 ==
==Taurus PT945==
When Royce and Gerard first meet at the plane crash site, Gerard asks to see what kind of weapon Royce is carrying. After jokingly responding, ''"A big one, how 'bout you?"'', Royce produces a stainless steel [[Taurus PT945]] which Gerard calls a "nickel-plated sissy pistol", advising Royce to get a Glock instead. This alone is a potential inaccuracy, as the standard sidearm for DSS special agents is the [[SIG-Sauer P228|SIG P228]] or [[SIG-Sauer P229|P229]]. During the manhunt in the swamp, Sheridan takes the pistol from Royce and holds him at gunpoint in a short standoff with Gerard before shooting Gerard in his bulletproof vest in order to make his escape. Royce manages to retake the weapon and later uses the pistol to mortally wound Deputy Marshal Noah Newman ([[Tom Wood]]) when Newman catches Royce about to kill Sheridan in cold blood at the Lorelei Building. Royce then tries to pass it off as Sheridan's gun by filing off the serial number, but Gerard recognizes it from their earlier meeting. This particular pistol would later be reused for an episode of ''[[NCIS - Season 8|NCIS]]''.
[[Image:945SS.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Taurus PT945 - .45 ACP. The one in the movie is an older model PT945, which has a stamped slide that looks slightly different.]]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|''"Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel-plated sissy pistol."'' <br> Gerard examines Royce's Taurus PT945.]]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan holding Royce's Taurus PT945 with a horribly low grip while holding Royce at gun point.]]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Royce holds his Taurus PT945 to Sheridan's head.]]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-4.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Close up of the Taurus PT945 as Royce shoots Newman in the chest and shoulder. For whatever reason this camera shot is showing the weapon aimed at an extreme downward angle.]]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-5.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard examines Royce's Taurus PT945 in the hospital after Royce filed off the serial number in an attempt to pass the gun off as Sheridan's. ''Note that the serial number on all Taurus semi-auto pistols is found only on the left side of the frame, not the right side. However, since it would have been a felony for the movie's armorers to remove the gun's actual serial number, it appears that they dremel'ed an area on the opposite site of the frame in order to provide the illusion of a filed-off serial number.'']]
[[Image:USM-TaurusPT945-6.jpg|thumb|none|600px|''"You better shoot him - Wanna use your old gun?"'' <BR> Gerard holds up an evidence bag containing Royce's gun.]]

When Royce and Gerard first meet, Gerard asks to see what kind of gun Royce is carrying. Royce then produces a stainless steel [[Taurus PT945]] which Gerard calls a "nickel-plated sissy pistol", advising Royce to get a Glock instead. During the manhunt in the swamp, Sheridan takes the pistol from Royce and holds him at gunpoint in a short standoff with Gerard before shooting Gerard in his bulletproof vest in order to make his escape. Royce manages to retake the weapon and later uses the pistol to fatally wound Deputy Marshal Noah Newman ([[Tom Wood]]) when Newman catches Royce about to kill Sheridan in cold blood at the Lorelei Building. Royce then tries to pass it off as the gun Sheridan used to kill Newman with the serial number filed off, but Gerard recognizes it from their earlier meeting.
==Glock 27==
When boarding the prisoner transport flight, Gerard removes both his Glock 22 and a sub-compact Glock variant that he carries in an ankle holster as a backup weapon. This is most likely a [[Glock 27]], which is chambered for the same .40 Smith & Wesson cartridge as his Glock 22. After this scene, the baby Glock is not seen for the rest of the film, likely lost in the crash-landing incident.
[[Image:G27.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Glock 27 - .40 S&W]]
[[Image:USM-G27-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard surrenders his Glock 22 and 27 to the guards as he boards.]]

[[Image:945SS.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Taurus PT945 .45 ACP (the one in the movie is an older model PT945, which has a stamped slide that looks slightly different)]]
==Kahr K9==
[[Image:Vlcsnap-266580.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Gerard inspects Royce's "nickel-plated sissy pistol" (Taurus PT945).]]
Following the car crash in Chicago, firefighters responding to the accident find a blue steel [[Kahr K9]] hidden in the glove-box of Sheridan's tow truck (although the gun is mostly covered up by the holster it's in, you can see "K9" on the end of the slide). The discovery of this weapon is what leads to Sheridan being arrested for illegal possession of a firearm (because ownership of a handgun in Chicago was illegal at the time of this film).
[[Image:Vlcsnap-281501.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Royce holding his Taurus PT945 on Sheridan's head.]]
[[Image:K9blk.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Kahr K9 - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-287647.jpg|thumb|none|400px|A close-up of the PT945 with the serial number filed off in Gerard's hands.]]
[[Image:USM-KahrK9-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A firefighter finds a Kahr K9 in Sheridan's tow truck.]]

== Glock 27 ==
==Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced==
Upon reaching New York City, Sheridan meets with an old friend he calls "Sarge" ([[Lorenzo Clemons]]) who provides him with materials needed in his mission to exonerate himself, including a stainless steel [[Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced]]. He then uses it when he confronts Agent Barrows ([[Rick Snyder]]) in the cemetery, pistol-whipping him in the face and holding him at gunpoint with it. He then uses it in the ensuing shootout with Xian Chen, and while being pursued to the Lorelei Building by Gerard and company. Interestingly, Gerard can be seen holding this pistol in promotional material for the film, but never uses one on-screen.
[[Image:ColtGoldCupNatMatchSS.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Colt Gold Cup National Match (Mark IV, Series 80) Enhanced with stainless steel finish and wraparound rubber grips - .45 ACP]]
[[Image:USM-ColtGCNM-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan opens up a cigar box containing a Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced and two spare magazines.]]
[[Image:USM-ColtGCNM-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan in disguise holds his Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced on Agent Barrows.]]
[[Image:USM-ColtGCNM-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A good side shot of the Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced as Sheridan threatens to, in a nutshell, "neuter" Agent Barrows.]]
[[Image:USM-ColtGCNM-4.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan shoots the lock off the back door of the Lorelei Building. He manages to hit the lock dead center despite looking the other way with his eyes closed.]]
[[Image:USM-ColtGCNM-5.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan fires his Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced at Deputy Marshal Noah Newman through the glass doors.]]

When boarding the prisoner transport flight, Gerard removes both his Glock 22 and a sub-compact Glock variant that he carries in an ankle holster as a backup weapon. This is most likely a [[Glock#Glock 27|Glock 27]], which is chambered for the same .40 S&W cartridge as his [[Glock#Glock 22|Glock 22]]. After this scene, the baby Glock is not seen for the rest of the film.
==Beretta 92FS==
A Chicago police officer who arrests Sheridan at Chicago Memorial Hospital appears to have a [[Beretta 92FS]] in his holster.
[[Image:BerettaM92FS.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:USM-Beretta92FS-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The arresting officer, with a Beretta 92FS in his holster.]]

[[Image:G27.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Glock 27 .40 S&W]]
==Smith & Wesson 1006==
[[Image:Vlcsnap-261311.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Gerard hands over his Glock 22 and a smaller Glock that is most likely a G27 when he boards the prisoner transport aircraft.]]
A Kentucky State Trooper who stops Earl's ([[Ray Toler]]) semi-truck at a roadblock is seen with what appears to be a [[Smith & Wesson 1006]] in his holster. The S&W 1006 was carried by the Kentucky State Police at the time of the film's production.
[[Image:S&W 1006.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Smith & Wesson 1006 - 10mm Auto]]
[[Image:USM-S&W4506-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px| The patrolman, with a Smith & Wesson 1006 in his holster, approaches Earl's truck.]]

==SIG-Sauer P228==
Deputy Marshal Bobby Biggs ([[Daniel Roebuck]]) is seen unloading a fugitive's [[SIG-Sauer P228]] during the bust at the start of the film, while holding his Glock 22 in his other hand.
[[Image:Sig-Sauer-P228.jpg|thumb|none|300px|SIG-Sauer P228 - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:USM-SIGP228-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Biggs drops the magazine out of a fugitive's SIG-Sauer P228. Seen behind him are Cosmo & Biggs' Glock 22's. Biggs shouldn't be taking his attention off of Michael, or his sidearm, as the fugitive could easily attempt to disarm him.]]

== Glock 17 ==
==Bersa Thunder 380==
Deputy Marshal Cosmo Renfro ([[Joe Pantoliano]]) is seen with what appears to be a [[Bersa Thunder 380]] pistol in a back holster.
[[Image:300px-Bersa Thunder in 380 ACP.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Bersa Thunder 380 - .380 ACP (9x17mm)]]
[[Image:USM-BersaThunder380-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Renfro with a Bersa Thunder 380 in his back holster, watching the ambulance drive away with the mortally wounded Newman.]]

NYPD officers responding to the Lorelei Building can be seen carrying [[Glock#Glock 17|Glock 17]]s as their standard sidearms.
==Ruger SP101==
When Sheridan hijacks a semi truck belonging to a man named Earl ([[Ray Toler]]), he also takes possession of the driver's [[Ruger SP101]] revolver and some extra ammo for it. After Sheridan releases his hostages and they speak to the marshals, Biggs incorrectly tells Gerard that the five-shot SP101 has, "6 [cartridges] in the gun." (His SP101 is clearly the 5-round .357 version.) Sheridan later uses the SP101 during the manhunt in the swamp, holding Royce at gunpoint with it.
[[Image:RugerSP101.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Ruger SP101 - .357 Magnum]]
[[Image:USM-RugerSP101-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan cocks the hammer on Earl's Ruger SP101 as Earl tries to convince a state trooper to leave.]]
[[Image:USM-RugerSP101-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Sheridan holds the Ruger SP101 on Royce in the swamps.]]

[[Image:Glock-17.gif|thumb|none|300px|Glock 17 9mm]]
==Smith & Wesson Model 36==
When Royce finds his Glock 22 has been emptied on him, he makes a last ditch effort to kill Gerard by drawing a nickel plated [[Smith & Wesson Model 36]] before being gunned down. It does not appear to be the Ruger SP101 that Sheridan used to hold Royce hostage in the swamp, previously mentioned. Royce's attempt to draw and use this weapon reveals that, contrary to his earlier statement to Gerard, he ''does'' in fact carry a backup weapon.

[[File:S&WModel36Nickel.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Smith & Wesson Model 36 with nickel finish - .38 Special]]
[[Image:USM-S&W36nickel-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Royce is shot by Gerard while trying to draw his backup nickel Smith & Wesson Model 36.]]

== Colt AR-15/SP1 Carbine ==
==Colt Python==
A Deputy Sheriff is seen with a [[Colt Python]] in his holster at the site of the plane crash.
[[Image:ColtPython6In.jpg|thumb|none|350px|Colt Python 6" barrel - .357 Magnum]]
[[Image:USM-ColtPython-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A Deputy Sheriff with a Colt Python in his holster.]]

During the cemetery scene, Sheridan and the deputies come under fire by U.N. Cultural Attache of China Xian Chen ([[Michael Paul Chan]]) wielding a [[M16 rifle series#Colt Carbine/Model 653/Model 733|Colt AR-15/SP1 Carbine]] fitted with a scope and Sound Suppressor from the roof of one of the buildings. ''(Note: though it could be one of the many other manufacturers versions of the same design. Not all M16/AR-15 style guns in movies are Colts. Many are Bushmaster, PWA, Eagle Arms, Olympic Arms, or any of the major AR15 clone makers of the 1980s and 1990s. )''
==Remington 870==
[[Remington 870]] shotguns make several appearances in the film, first in the hands of the guards on the plane following the crash-landing, then in the hands of locals helping with the swamp manhunt.
[[Image:Remington870PoliceStd.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 Gauge]]
[[Image:USM-Rem870-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Three Remington 870s are seen in a weapons rack on the prisoner transport plane. They are strangely upright despite the plane being flipped upside down.]]
[[Image:USM-Rem870-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A transport guard carrying a Remington 870 after the crash.]]
[[Image:USM-Rem870-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A local boatman carrying a Remington 870 during the search for Sheridan.]]

:I'm somewhat confused. First of all, every AR15 SP1 I've ever handled had (1.) No forward assist, (2.) No fencing around the magazine release, and (3.) No bolt catch. The carbine in the picture shown below appears to be a military model because it has the standard A1-type receiver with features (1.) and (2.).
==Ithaca 37==
::(MPM2008) You're right about the SP1 full sized rifle (except for the bolt hold open catch.  I'm holding an SP1 as I type this and the rifle has it.)  I am not sure what you are referring to. At any rate I was talking about the '''carbine'''.  Here is a verbatim quote from a passage on the history of the Colt AR15:
NYPD officers outside the Lorelei Building are seen holding [[Ithaca 37]] shotguns, one with an extended magazine tube and one with a standard tube.
::::''In 1978 Colt introduced the first new model of the AR-15 (Cat.#6001), the Sporter 1 carbine. The gun featured a 16 inch barrel, short round handguards and the telescoping, plastic coated, aluminum stock of the XM177 series submachine gun(sic). This model was produced unchanged until the last batch was shipped in 1985. This last batch, around ser.# 212,000 had the finger-grooved pistol grip of the A2 series. ''
[[Image:Ithaca37 DSPS.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Ithaca Model 37 Deer Slayer Police Special (note the rifle sights and riot-length barrel) - 12 Gauge]]
::Thus when the Sporter 1 Carbine was out, the rifles already had the A1 features. I also mentioned previously (quote)'' '''"(Note: though it could be one of the many other manufacturers versions of the same design.  Not all M16/AR-15 style guns in movies are Colts. Many are Bushmaster, PWA, Eagle Arms, Olympic Arms, or any of the major AR15 clone makers of the 1980s and 1990s.  )" ''' ''  Carbines built after 1978 had the A1 features (those new features were already ten years old at the time) regardless of what they were marked.  After 1985 they started making A2 design changes to the Carbines as well.
[[Image:IthacaExtMagTub.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Ithaca 37 with extended magazine tube - 12 Gauge]]
[[Image:USM-Ithaca37-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Two NYPD officers holding Ithaca 37 shotguns.]]

:As far as the gun in the movie, I'm not so sure it's a civilian model, either, because when Chen loads it, you clearly see him push in the bolt catch to chamber a round after loading in the magazine. So it's most likely a military model of some sort.
==Maverick 88==
::(MPM2008) The bolt hold open button has nothing to do with either military or civilian rifle. Both of them have it. All that means is that the bolt was already locked in the 'chamber empty' position and he used it to chamber the round when he put a full magazine in the rifle. It was a civilian rifle and the actor fired semi automatic in the entire scene.
A [[Maverick Model 88]] shotgun with pistol grip is recovered by Gerard from a baby's crib during the fugitive arrest in the beginning of the film. The Maverick 88 is an inexpensive version of the [[Mossberg 500]]. One of the suspects tries to get this weapon so that he can shoot Deputy Marshal Noah Newman, but Newman shoots him with his Glock 22 in the shoulder before he can do this. Gerard later takes this weapon and uses it to intimidate another suspect. It is noted as a Maverick 88 by its safety moved from the receiver tang to the trigger guard.
[[Image:Play_110.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Mossberg Maverick 88 (with pistol grip) - 12 Gauge]]
[[Image:USM-MossbergPersuader-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard removes the pistol gripped Maverick 88 from the baby's crib. Note lack of safety on the top rear of the receiver, indicating it is a Maverick and not a Mossberg 500.]]
[[Image:USM-MossbergPersuader-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard pumps the action of the Maverick 88 before holding it on the resisting suspect, and ejects a live round. The standard police practice when picking up an unknown weapon is to rack the action, to be sure it is loaded, as they may need to use it quickly and don't know if has a round in the chamber. As Gerard pulled the shotgun from out of the baby crib, it's likely he would be pumping it to ensure this.]]
[[Image:USM-MossbergPersuader-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|''"Okay, Michael. Regular or extra crispy?"'' <BR> The suspect staring down the barrel of the Maverick 88.]]

::(MPM2008) At any rate, it could be anything post 1978. It sure ain't an actual Colt Commando (unless the armorers just swapped a later version carbine upper onto the registered lower receiver.  And it surely is NOT an XM177 series rifle (which was the initial erroneous attribution on this page).  I could be clearer by renaming it Colt Sporter 1 Carbine, which may be a more accurate and less confusing description.  Hope this helps.
=Submachine Guns=
A fugitive is briefly seen holding a [[MAC-11]] before being disarmed by Deputy Marshal Noah Newman.
[[Image:Mac m11 9k.jpg|thumb|none|300px|RPD Industries MAC-11 - .380 ACP]]
[[Image:USM-MAC11-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A fugitive runs through the house armed with a MAC-11. Notice the TERRIBLE trigger discipline - It appears the thug is almost squeezing it down, but the shot is too blurry to tell.]]

:::OK, you've enlightened me somewhat. I imagine Colt must have made LOTS of changes to the guns over the years, but I can remember a single AR15 SP1 (marked on the receiver) I've seen that had a forward assist OR magazine fencing, and I've definitely seen at least one or two that didn't have the last round, bolt hold-open. In fact, most AR15 A2s from the 1980s that I've seen also lack the magazine fencing. If you want an example of what I've always thought of what I think of AR15 SP1s, this is it:
==Colt Sporter II Carbine==
During the cemetery scene, Sheridan and the Deputies come under fire by U.N. Cultural Attache of China Xian Chen ([[Michael Paul Chan]]) wielding a [[Colt Sporter Carbine|Colt Sporter II Carbine]] fitted with an Aimpoint 9000L red dot scope and sound suppressor from the roof of the funeral home.
[[Image:ColtSporterIIw30RdMag.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Colt Sporter II Carbine - 5.56x45mm]]
[[Image:USM-AR15SporterII-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Chen smacks a magazine into his Colt Sporter II Carbine.]]
[[Image:USM-AR15SporterII-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A good side-shot of the Colt Sporter II Carbine.]]
[[Image:USM-AR15SporterII-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Chen takes aim at Sheridan, who moves his head just in time, causing the bullet to hit Barrows instead. Chen is also firing left handed, which may have been forced due to the angle from which he has to aim from the rooftop.]]
[[Image:USM-AR15SporterII-4.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Here we see the sound suppressor is clearly fake since it does nothing to dampen the muzzle flash.]]
[[Image:USM-AR15SporterII-5.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Chen is arrested by Biggs and Cooper on the roof.]]

[[Image:ColtM653.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Colt AR-15/SP1 Carbine - Civilian market model of the Colt Model 653 with 16" Barrel - 5.56mm]]
==Heckler & Koch SR9(T)==
[[Image:Vlcsnap-276860.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Chen loads up his Colt Carbine in preparation to kill Sheridan.]]
During the swamp scene, a Kentucky State Police officer in a helicopter can briefly be seen with a [[Heckler & Koch SR9|Heckler & Koch SR9(T)]] sniper rifle, loaded with a 20-round magazine.
[[Image:Vlcsnap-277491.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Chen aiming the Colt Carbine at Sheridan from the roof.]]
[[Image:H&KSR9T.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Heckler & Koch SR9(T) - 7.62x51mm NATO]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-278790.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Chen surrenders the weapon after being caught off-guard by two of Gerard's deputies.]]
[[Image:USM-H&KSR9T-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A Kentucky State Police Officer aims his Heckler & Koch SR9(T).]]
[[Image:USM-H&KSR9T-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A shot over the shoulder of the Kentucky State Police Officer with the Heckler & Koch SR9(T).]]

== Kahr K9 ==
==Orion Flare Gun==
When Sheridan is found in the swamps, Gerard and a local boatman fire [[Orion Flare Gun]]s into the air to mark their positions for backup to arrive.
[[Image:Orion Flare gun.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Orion Flare Gun - 12 Gauge]]
[[Image:USM-FlareGun-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A boatman loads a Orion flare gun.]]
[[Image:USM-FlareGun-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The boatman fires the Orion flare gun into the air.]]
[[Image:USM-FlareGun-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard fires a flare into the air.]]

Following the car crash in Chicago, firefighters responding to the accident find a blue steel [[Kahr K9]] hidden in the glovebox of Sheridan's tow truck (although the gun is mostly covered up by the holster it's in, you can see "K9" on the end of the slide). The discovery of this weapon leads to Sheridan being arrested on concealed weapons charges.
==XL-17 Pen Gun==
While on board the prisoner transport flight, a prisoner retrieves an [[Assassination Device|XL-17 pen gun]] hidden in a roll of toilet paper in the lavatory. The prisoner then attempts to use the weapon to kill Sheridan but fails, the shot shattering a window of the plane and causing an explosive decompression that sucks the would-be assassin and several other prisoners and guards out of the plane and forces an emergency landing. Of course, a single bullet hole cannot cause explosive decompression in real life.
[[Image:USM-PenGun-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The inmate loads a .22 LR round into his XL-17 pen gun, which is missing a bullet head.]]
[[Image:USM-PenGun-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The inmate cocks back the trigger which is disguised as the pocket clip.]]
[[Image:USM-PenGun-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard finds the pen gun in the plane. It seems unlikely the weapon would still be aboard when the man wielding it was sucked clean out of the plane.]]
[[Image:USM-PenGun-4.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Gerard unloads the pen gun. For whatever reason he's handling evidence without gloves, which a real U.S. Marshal would know better than. On the other hand, it was underwater for a long time, so fingerprints would have been gone.]]

[[Image:K9blk.gif|thumb|none|300px|Kahr K9 9mm]]
=Trivia Special=
[[Image:Vlcsnap-258344.jpg|thumb|none|400px|A Kahr K9 is discovered in Sheridan's truck, leading to his arrest.]]
==Sparking Bullets==
Like most typical Hollywood films, we see that bullets spark against the oddest things, when most bullets don't even spark on ''metal''.
[[Image:USM-SparkyBullets-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A 5.56mm round sparking against ''concrete''.]]
[[Image:USM-SparkyBullets-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A .45 ACP round sparking on ''wood''.]]

== Ruger SP-101 ==
=See Also:=
* ''[[Fugitive, The|The Fugitive]]'' - the predecessor to this film

When Sheridan hijacks a semi truck, he also takes possession of the driver's [[Ruger SP-101]] revolver and some extra ammo for it. He later uses it during the manhunt in the swamp, holding Royce at gunpoint with it.
[[Image:RugerSP101-p1030138.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Ruger SP-101]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-269079.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Sheridan with the trucker's Ruger SP-101]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-274150.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Sheridan holds Royce hostage with the Ruger SP-101]]
== XL-17 Pen Gun ==
While on board the prisoner transport flight, an Asian prisoner retrieves an XL-17 pen gun hidden in a roll of toilet paper in the lavatory. The prisoner then attempts to use the weapon to kill Sheridan but fails, the shot piercing the fuselage of the plane and causing an explosive decompression that sucks the would-be assassin and several other prisoners and guards out of the plane and forces an emergency landing.
[[Image:Vlcsnap-261989.jpg|thumb|none|400px|The assassin loads up the XL-17 pen gun after retrieving it from its hiding place in a toilet paper roll.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-262565.jpg|thumb|none|400px|The assassin removing the XL-17 from his shirt sleeve in preparation to kill Sheridan.]]
== M1911A1 ==
Upon reaching New York City, Sheridan meets with an old friend he calls "Sarge" who provides him with materials needed in his mission to exonerate himself, including a stainless steel [[M1911 pistol series#M1911A1|M1911A1]]. He then uses it when he confronts Agent Barrows in the cemetery, pistol-whipping him in the face and holding him at gunpoint with it. He then uses it in the ensuing shootout with Xian Chen, and while being persued to the Lorelei Building by Gerard and company. Interestingly, Gerard can be seen holding this pistol on promotional material for the film, but never uses one on-screen.
[[Image:Chrome-Colt-1911.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Hard chrome Colt M1911A1 NM .45 ACP]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-275016.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Sheridan opens up a cigar box with an M1911A1 derivative inside.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-275953.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Sheridan, disguised in a wig, brandishes the M1911A1.]]
== Remington 870 ==
[[Remington 870]] shotguns make several appearances in the film, first in the hands of prisoner transport flight guards following the crash-landing, then in the hands of locals helping with the swamp manhunt, then in the hands of NYPD officers at the Lorelei Building.
[[Image:Index.10-1-.jpg‎ |thumb|none|350px|Remington 870 12 guage]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-264522.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Transport guards carrying Remington 870s after the crash.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-271201.jpg|thumb|none|400px|A local boatman carrying a Remington 870 during the search for Sheridan.]]
== Mossberg M590 "Compact Cruiser" ==
A pistol-grip [[Mossberg 500-series shotgun#Mossberg 590 "Compact Cruiser"|Mossberg M590 "Compact Cruiser"]] is recovered by Gerard from a baby's crib during the fugitive arrest in the beginning of the film. One of the suspects tries to get this weapon so that he can shoot Deputy Marshall Noah Newman ([[Tom Wood]]), but Newman shoots him with his Glock before he can do this. Gerard later takes this weapon and uses it to intimidate another suspect.
[[Image:Mossberg590comp.jpg|thumb|300px|none|Mossberg M590 "Compact Cruiser" 12 gauge.]]
[[Image:Vlcsnap-260611.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Gerard with the Mossberg M590 "Compact Cruiser"retrieved from the fugitive's baby's crib.]]

[[Category:Action Movie]]

Latest revision as of 22:51, 16 October 2023

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U.S. Marshals (1998)

U.S. Marshals is the 1998 follow-up to the 1993 film The Fugitive. Tommy Lee Jones returns as Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard, who along with his team are determined to track down an escaped prisoner (Wesley Snipes) who may be a covert CIA assassin. The film was directed by Stuart Baird (Executive Decision).

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The following weapons were used in the film U.S. Marshals:

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Glock 22

2nd Generation Glock 22 pistols appears in the film as the main sidearm of Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) and his fellow Marshals. In contrast to The Fugitive, where Gerard was the only Marshal who carried the Glock 22, it is depicted in this film as the standard sidearm of the entire team, reflecting the transition to .40 S&W Glocks in the Marshal Service in real life. Later in the film, U.S. Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent John Royce (Robert Downey Jr.) can be seen using one when he and Gerard are pursuing Mark Sheridan (Wesley Snipes) aboard the cargo ship, breaking up a fight between Sheridan and Gerard by shooting Sheridan in the shoulder after Sheridan gets ahold of Gerard's Glock and pistol-whips Gerard in the back with it. Near the end of the film, Royce attempts to kill Gerard and Sheridan in Sheridan's hospital room, but finds that Gerard has anticipated this and unloaded it when he wasn't looking. When Gerard points out in the hospital that Royce is now carrying a Glock instead of his Taurus PT945 (see below), Royce replies, "Yeah, Glock .40, just like yours". Gerard also incorrectly states that the G22 can fire underwater (while it can fire a few rounds, it would likely still jam).

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Glock 22 2nd Generation - .40 S&W
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Deputy US Marshal Noah Newman (Tom Wood) bursts into the fugitive's house at the beginning of the film with his Glock 22 drawn.
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Chief Deputy US Marshal Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) fires his Glock 22 at Chen during the cemetery shootout.
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Deputy Marshal Savannah Cooper (LaTanya Richardson) aims her Glock at Chen on the roof of the funeral home. She doesn't have the best grip here, but she had just drawn the pistol one-handed while holding a radio in her other hand.
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"Drop it, or I drop you!"
Deputy Marshal Bobby Biggs (Daniel Roebuck) aims his Glock at Chen on the roof of the funeral home. Notice the horrible cup-and-saucer grip, and the low grasp with his dominant hand.
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Gerard aims his Glock 22 at Sheridan atop the apartment building.
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Royce draws his new Glock 22 while on the freighter.
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Excellent close-up of Gerard's Glock 22 as he struggles with Sheridan on the freighter. Note that in both images, it is possible to see the second pin on the frame for the locking block; this is the primary visual difference (besides markings) which distinguishes the 2nd Gen .40-caliber Glocks from the 9mm versions of the same generation.
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Sheridan holds Gerard's Glock 22 on him.
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Gerard aims his Glock 22 at Sheridan.
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Gerard hands Royce back his Glock 22 after swapping out the loaded magazine. Royce doesn't seem to notice the difference in the weight of his Glock after 15 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson disappeared.
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Royce holds his Glock 22 on Gerard.
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"I got yours, you got mine."
Note the .40 caliber rounds in the magazine.

Taurus PT945

When Royce and Gerard first meet at the plane crash site, Gerard asks to see what kind of weapon Royce is carrying. After jokingly responding, "A big one, how 'bout you?", Royce produces a stainless steel Taurus PT945 which Gerard calls a "nickel-plated sissy pistol", advising Royce to get a Glock instead. This alone is a potential inaccuracy, as the standard sidearm for DSS special agents is the SIG P228 or P229. During the manhunt in the swamp, Sheridan takes the pistol from Royce and holds him at gunpoint in a short standoff with Gerard before shooting Gerard in his bulletproof vest in order to make his escape. Royce manages to retake the weapon and later uses the pistol to mortally wound Deputy Marshal Noah Newman (Tom Wood) when Newman catches Royce about to kill Sheridan in cold blood at the Lorelei Building. Royce then tries to pass it off as Sheridan's gun by filing off the serial number, but Gerard recognizes it from their earlier meeting. This particular pistol would later be reused for an episode of NCIS.

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Taurus PT945 - .45 ACP. The one in the movie is an older model PT945, which has a stamped slide that looks slightly different.
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"Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel-plated sissy pistol."
Gerard examines Royce's Taurus PT945.
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Sheridan holding Royce's Taurus PT945 with a horribly low grip while holding Royce at gun point.
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Royce holds his Taurus PT945 to Sheridan's head.
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Close up of the Taurus PT945 as Royce shoots Newman in the chest and shoulder. For whatever reason this camera shot is showing the weapon aimed at an extreme downward angle.
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Gerard examines Royce's Taurus PT945 in the hospital after Royce filed off the serial number in an attempt to pass the gun off as Sheridan's. Note that the serial number on all Taurus semi-auto pistols is found only on the left side of the frame, not the right side. However, since it would have been a felony for the movie's armorers to remove the gun's actual serial number, it appears that they dremel'ed an area on the opposite site of the frame in order to provide the illusion of a filed-off serial number.
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"You better shoot him - Wanna use your old gun?"
Gerard holds up an evidence bag containing Royce's gun.

Glock 27

When boarding the prisoner transport flight, Gerard removes both his Glock 22 and a sub-compact Glock variant that he carries in an ankle holster as a backup weapon. This is most likely a Glock 27, which is chambered for the same .40 Smith & Wesson cartridge as his Glock 22. After this scene, the baby Glock is not seen for the rest of the film, likely lost in the crash-landing incident.

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Glock 27 - .40 S&W
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Gerard surrenders his Glock 22 and 27 to the guards as he boards.

Kahr K9

Following the car crash in Chicago, firefighters responding to the accident find a blue steel Kahr K9 hidden in the glove-box of Sheridan's tow truck (although the gun is mostly covered up by the holster it's in, you can see "K9" on the end of the slide). The discovery of this weapon is what leads to Sheridan being arrested for illegal possession of a firearm (because ownership of a handgun in Chicago was illegal at the time of this film).

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Kahr K9 - 9x19mm
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A firefighter finds a Kahr K9 in Sheridan's tow truck.

Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced

Upon reaching New York City, Sheridan meets with an old friend he calls "Sarge" (Lorenzo Clemons) who provides him with materials needed in his mission to exonerate himself, including a stainless steel Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced. He then uses it when he confronts Agent Barrows (Rick Snyder) in the cemetery, pistol-whipping him in the face and holding him at gunpoint with it. He then uses it in the ensuing shootout with Xian Chen, and while being pursued to the Lorelei Building by Gerard and company. Interestingly, Gerard can be seen holding this pistol in promotional material for the film, but never uses one on-screen.

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Colt Gold Cup National Match (Mark IV, Series 80) Enhanced with stainless steel finish and wraparound rubber grips - .45 ACP
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Sheridan opens up a cigar box containing a Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced and two spare magazines.
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Sheridan in disguise holds his Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced on Agent Barrows.
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A good side shot of the Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced as Sheridan threatens to, in a nutshell, "neuter" Agent Barrows.
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Sheridan shoots the lock off the back door of the Lorelei Building. He manages to hit the lock dead center despite looking the other way with his eyes closed.
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Sheridan fires his Colt Gold Cup National Match Enhanced at Deputy Marshal Noah Newman through the glass doors.

Beretta 92FS

A Chicago police officer who arrests Sheridan at Chicago Memorial Hospital appears to have a Beretta 92FS in his holster.

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Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
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The arresting officer, with a Beretta 92FS in his holster.

Smith & Wesson 1006

A Kentucky State Trooper who stops Earl's (Ray Toler) semi-truck at a roadblock is seen with what appears to be a Smith & Wesson 1006 in his holster. The S&W 1006 was carried by the Kentucky State Police at the time of the film's production.

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Smith & Wesson 1006 - 10mm Auto
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The patrolman, with a Smith & Wesson 1006 in his holster, approaches Earl's truck.

SIG-Sauer P228

Deputy Marshal Bobby Biggs (Daniel Roebuck) is seen unloading a fugitive's SIG-Sauer P228 during the bust at the start of the film, while holding his Glock 22 in his other hand.

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SIG-Sauer P228 - 9x19mm
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Biggs drops the magazine out of a fugitive's SIG-Sauer P228. Seen behind him are Cosmo & Biggs' Glock 22's. Biggs shouldn't be taking his attention off of Michael, or his sidearm, as the fugitive could easily attempt to disarm him.

Bersa Thunder 380

Deputy Marshal Cosmo Renfro (Joe Pantoliano) is seen with what appears to be a Bersa Thunder 380 pistol in a back holster.

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Bersa Thunder 380 - .380 ACP (9x17mm)
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Renfro with a Bersa Thunder 380 in his back holster, watching the ambulance drive away with the mortally wounded Newman.


Ruger SP101

When Sheridan hijacks a semi truck belonging to a man named Earl (Ray Toler), he also takes possession of the driver's Ruger SP101 revolver and some extra ammo for it. After Sheridan releases his hostages and they speak to the marshals, Biggs incorrectly tells Gerard that the five-shot SP101 has, "6 [cartridges] in the gun." (His SP101 is clearly the 5-round .357 version.) Sheridan later uses the SP101 during the manhunt in the swamp, holding Royce at gunpoint with it.

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Ruger SP101 - .357 Magnum
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Sheridan cocks the hammer on Earl's Ruger SP101 as Earl tries to convince a state trooper to leave.
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Sheridan holds the Ruger SP101 on Royce in the swamps.

Smith & Wesson Model 36

When Royce finds his Glock 22 has been emptied on him, he makes a last ditch effort to kill Gerard by drawing a nickel plated Smith & Wesson Model 36 before being gunned down. It does not appear to be the Ruger SP101 that Sheridan used to hold Royce hostage in the swamp, previously mentioned. Royce's attempt to draw and use this weapon reveals that, contrary to his earlier statement to Gerard, he does in fact carry a backup weapon.

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Smith & Wesson Model 36 with nickel finish - .38 Special
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Royce is shot by Gerard while trying to draw his backup nickel Smith & Wesson Model 36.

Colt Python

A Deputy Sheriff is seen with a Colt Python in his holster at the site of the plane crash.

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Colt Python 6" barrel - .357 Magnum
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A Deputy Sheriff with a Colt Python in his holster.


Remington 870

Remington 870 shotguns make several appearances in the film, first in the hands of the guards on the plane following the crash-landing, then in the hands of locals helping with the swamp manhunt.

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Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 Gauge
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Three Remington 870s are seen in a weapons rack on the prisoner transport plane. They are strangely upright despite the plane being flipped upside down.
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A transport guard carrying a Remington 870 after the crash.
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A local boatman carrying a Remington 870 during the search for Sheridan.

Ithaca 37

NYPD officers outside the Lorelei Building are seen holding Ithaca 37 shotguns, one with an extended magazine tube and one with a standard tube.

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Ithaca Model 37 Deer Slayer Police Special (note the rifle sights and riot-length barrel) - 12 Gauge
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Ithaca 37 with extended magazine tube - 12 Gauge
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Two NYPD officers holding Ithaca 37 shotguns.

Maverick 88

A Maverick Model 88 shotgun with pistol grip is recovered by Gerard from a baby's crib during the fugitive arrest in the beginning of the film. The Maverick 88 is an inexpensive version of the Mossberg 500. One of the suspects tries to get this weapon so that he can shoot Deputy Marshal Noah Newman, but Newman shoots him with his Glock 22 in the shoulder before he can do this. Gerard later takes this weapon and uses it to intimidate another suspect. It is noted as a Maverick 88 by its safety moved from the receiver tang to the trigger guard.

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Mossberg Maverick 88 (with pistol grip) - 12 Gauge
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Gerard removes the pistol gripped Maverick 88 from the baby's crib. Note lack of safety on the top rear of the receiver, indicating it is a Maverick and not a Mossberg 500.
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Gerard pumps the action of the Maverick 88 before holding it on the resisting suspect, and ejects a live round. The standard police practice when picking up an unknown weapon is to rack the action, to be sure it is loaded, as they may need to use it quickly and don't know if has a round in the chamber. As Gerard pulled the shotgun from out of the baby crib, it's likely he would be pumping it to ensure this.
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"Okay, Michael. Regular or extra crispy?"
The suspect staring down the barrel of the Maverick 88.

Submachine Guns


A fugitive is briefly seen holding a MAC-11 before being disarmed by Deputy Marshal Noah Newman.

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RPD Industries MAC-11 - .380 ACP
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A fugitive runs through the house armed with a MAC-11. Notice the TERRIBLE trigger discipline - It appears the thug is almost squeezing it down, but the shot is too blurry to tell.


Colt Sporter II Carbine

During the cemetery scene, Sheridan and the Deputies come under fire by U.N. Cultural Attache of China Xian Chen (Michael Paul Chan) wielding a Colt Sporter II Carbine fitted with an Aimpoint 9000L red dot scope and sound suppressor from the roof of the funeral home.

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Colt Sporter II Carbine - 5.56x45mm
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Chen smacks a magazine into his Colt Sporter II Carbine.
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A good side-shot of the Colt Sporter II Carbine.
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Chen takes aim at Sheridan, who moves his head just in time, causing the bullet to hit Barrows instead. Chen is also firing left handed, which may have been forced due to the angle from which he has to aim from the rooftop.
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Here we see the sound suppressor is clearly fake since it does nothing to dampen the muzzle flash.
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Chen is arrested by Biggs and Cooper on the roof.

Heckler & Koch SR9(T)

During the swamp scene, a Kentucky State Police officer in a helicopter can briefly be seen with a Heckler & Koch SR9(T) sniper rifle, loaded with a 20-round magazine.

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Heckler & Koch SR9(T) - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A Kentucky State Police Officer aims his Heckler & Koch SR9(T).
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A shot over the shoulder of the Kentucky State Police Officer with the Heckler & Koch SR9(T).


Orion Flare Gun

When Sheridan is found in the swamps, Gerard and a local boatman fire Orion Flare Guns into the air to mark their positions for backup to arrive.

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Orion Flare Gun - 12 Gauge
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A boatman loads a Orion flare gun.
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The boatman fires the Orion flare gun into the air.
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Gerard fires a flare into the air.

XL-17 Pen Gun

While on board the prisoner transport flight, a prisoner retrieves an XL-17 pen gun hidden in a roll of toilet paper in the lavatory. The prisoner then attempts to use the weapon to kill Sheridan but fails, the shot shattering a window of the plane and causing an explosive decompression that sucks the would-be assassin and several other prisoners and guards out of the plane and forces an emergency landing. Of course, a single bullet hole cannot cause explosive decompression in real life.

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The inmate loads a .22 LR round into his XL-17 pen gun, which is missing a bullet head.
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The inmate cocks back the trigger which is disguised as the pocket clip.
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Gerard finds the pen gun in the plane. It seems unlikely the weapon would still be aboard when the man wielding it was sucked clean out of the plane.
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Gerard unloads the pen gun. For whatever reason he's handling evidence without gloves, which a real U.S. Marshal would know better than. On the other hand, it was underwater for a long time, so fingerprints would have been gone.

Trivia Special

Sparking Bullets

Like most typical Hollywood films, we see that bullets spark against the oddest things, when most bullets don't even spark on metal.

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A 5.56mm round sparking against concrete.
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A .45 ACP round sparking on wood.

See Also: