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[[File:BoBS-Shotgun-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The bartender grabs the shotgun. Despite the powder horn hangs near the shotgun, this is definitly a break action weapon, not a muzzleloading one.]]
[[File:BoBS-Shotgun-3.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The bartender grabs the shotgun. Despite the powder horn hangs near the shotgun, this is definitly a break action weapon, not a muzzleloading one.]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Ballad of Buster Scruggs, The}}
[[Category:Western Movie]]
[[Category:Western Movie]]
[[Category:Coen Brothers]]
[[Category:Coen Brothers]]
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Theatrical Poster
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is a 2018 Western comedy written, directed, and produced by the Coen Brothers . It's an anthology that consists of six segments: "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs", "Near Algodones", "Meal Ticket", "All Gold Canyon", "The Gal Who Got Rattled", and "The Mortal Remains". The film was released primarily on Netflix.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs won the Golden Osella Award for Best Screenplay at the 75th Venice International Film Festival and earned three nominations at the 91st Academy Awards: Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Costume Design and Best Original Song.
The following weapons were used in the film The Ballad of Buster Scruggs :
Single Action Army "Cavalry" Model
Single Action Army "Cavalry" model revolvers are used by gamblers Curly Joe (Clancy Brown ) and his brother (Danny McCarthy ), and one of the bandits (all of those are credited as "Cantina Scum") (Matthew Willig ) in the segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs", Cowboy (James Franco ), Posse Leader (Ralph Ineson ), one of his men (credited as Posse #2) (Brian Brown), and the drover (Jesse Luken ) in the segment "Near Algodenes".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army 7 1/2" Cavalry model - .45 Long Colt
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curly Joe draws one of his revolvers. The grip of another revolver is seen in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He aims at Buster Scruggs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Curly Joe's revolver. In the next scene the "Cavalry" revolver switches to an "Artillery" model due to a continuity error.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curly Joe's Brother readies to draw his revolver during the standoff with Buster Scruggs. The revolver is seen better on a promotional image below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cowboy holds his revolver during the bank robbery.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cowboy hides behind the well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Posse Leader holds a "Cavalry" revolver during the attack of Comanches.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A posse member holds a "Cavalry" revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The drover fires his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Cavalry" revolver of a bandit in center is seen on a promotional image. In the film this revolver is seen blurry due to fast motion. The bandits at the left and at the right are armed with "Artillery" revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curly Joe's Brother's revolver is seen on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The drover's revolver is seen on a promotional image.
Single Action Army "Artillery" Model
Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson ) carries a nickel plated Single Action Army "Artillery" model revolver with lacquered wooden grips in the segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs". The Kid (Willie Watson) carries a pair of "Artillery" revolvers with deep blue finish and silver grips in the same segment. Standard revolvers are used by Curly Joe (Clancy Brown ) and three of "Cantina Scum" (J.J. Dashnaw, Jesse Youngblood and Clinton Roberts).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army with 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model - .45 Long Colt
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs guns down the leader of the bandits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Curley Joe's "Cavalry" revolver switches to an "Artillery" model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs holds his revolver during the showdown with Curley Joe's Brother. He fires across the shoulder, using a hand mirror for aiming.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs loads his revolver, preparing for the duel with The Kid.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Kid carries his revolvers in shoulder holsters. These guns are seen better on promotional images.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs' revolver is seen on a promotional image that depicts the scene in the saloon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs' revolver is seen on a promotional image that depicts the duel with Curley Joe's Brother.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Revolvers of several of the bandits are seen on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Kid's revolver is seen on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson ) and The Kid (Willie Watson), revolvers in hands, together with the movie armorer Joey Rocketshoes Dillon.
Single Action Army "Civilian" Model
Due to a continuity error, Curly Joe's (Clancy Brown ) revolver switches once more, this time into a Single Action Army "Civilian" model .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army with 4.75" barrel, case colored and blued, referred to as "Quick-Draw" or "Civilian" model - .45 Long Colt
Error creating thumbnail: File missing When Curly Joe falls dead, his revolver switches from an "Artillery" to a "Civilian" model.
Colt 1871-72 Open Top
A Colt 1871-72 Open Top revolver is seen on the table of the Judge (Michael Cullen) in the segment "Near Algodenes". This is a modern replica, with blue finish and brass parts of the frame. In the segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled", the guide of the settlers Mr. Arthur (Grainger Hines ) carries two Colt Open Top revolvers, also replicas but different from the Judge's revolver. During the attack of Sioux warriors, one of Mr. Arthur's revolvers is used by Alice Longabaugh (Zoe Kazan ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cimarron 1872 Open Top Navy - .38 Colt/Special. The screen gun looks similar to this replica of Colt Open Top.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Colt Open Top revolver is seen on the Judge's table. This revolver may be a Cimarron 1872 Open Top Navy replica.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A modern replica of Colt 1871-72 Open Top - .44 Colt. The screen gun looks similar to this replica of Colt Open Top.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur's revolvers in saddle holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur gives one of his revolvers to Alice Longabaugh.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mrs. Longabaugh holds the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur with a Colt Open Top revolver and a Henry rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He performs a mercy kill on a wounded horse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver in Mrs. Longabaugh's dead hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur holds his revolver after the battle with Sioux.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur gives the revolver to Mrs. Longabaugh on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur fires at a Sioux warrior on a promotional image.
Colt Paterson 1836
A venerable Colt Paterson 1836 is used by the Young Man (Sam Dillon) during the confrontation with the old prospector (Tom Waits ) in the segment "All Gold Canyon".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Paterson 5th Model - .36 caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The young man fires at the prospector.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close-ups of the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The prospector fires the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver is seen on a promotional image.
Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model
One of the posse members, credited as "Posse #4" (Richard Bucher ) carries a Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model revolver in the segment "Near Algodenes". A revolver of same model is seen in the gun storage in the saloon in the segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Uberti No 3 New Model Russian Top Break - replica of the Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model - .44 Russian/.45 Long Colt
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model revolver in holster is seen among the guns in the storage. Note the typical shape of the grip and the spur on the trigger guard. Other revolvers in the storage seem to be various versions of Single Action Army .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The posse member carries a Smith & Wesson revolver in holster. The grip and the finger spur can be seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the grip of the holstered revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The posse member holds his revolver.
Remington 1875
A Sioux warrior holds a Remington 1875 revolver in the segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled". This gun appears to be a Cimarron 1875 "Outlaw" or Uberti 1875 "Frontier" replica with 5 1/2" barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cimarron 1875 Outlaw with 5 1/2" barrel, a replica of Remington 1875 - .44 WCF
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A revolver wielding Sioux warrior is gunned down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver is seen much better on a production still.
Remington 1866 Derringer
Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson ) leaves a pair of nickel plated, pearl gripped Remington 1866 Derringer pistols in the gun storage in the saloon in the segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 1866 Derringer - .41 R.F. Caliber. Polished Steel with yellow pearl grips
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buster Scruggs carries two Derringers that he calls "my senoritas".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He takes the guns...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and hands them to the Gun Check Man (Thomas Wingate).
Henry 1860
Henry 1860 rifles are seen in the segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled", used by Mr. Arthur (Grainger Hines ) and a Sioux warrior.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Henry 1860 brass-frame - .44 Rimfire (RF).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur with a Henry rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He fires at Sioux warriors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Henry rifle is seen in hands of a Sioux warrior at the far left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur readies his Henry rifle for repelling the second attack of the Sioux. The Colt Open Top revolver is seen tucked into his belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mr. Arthur reloads his rifle on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Henry rifle in hands of a Sioux warrior at the far left can be seen on a promotional image.
Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle
In the segment "The Gal Who Got Rattled" one of Sioux warriors is armed with a
Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle - .44 RF
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Sioux warrior raises a "Yellow Boy" rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Yellow Boy" rifle can be seen on promotional images.
Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" Carbine
One more Sioux warrior is seen with a Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" carbine. This gun can be identified only on a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester 1866 "Yellow Boy" Carbine - .44 RF
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Yellow Boy" carbine is seen at the far left.
Winchester Model 1873 Rifle
The Sioux Chief (Rod Rondeaux) is armed with a Winchester Model 1873 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester Model 1873 "Short Rifle" with octagon barrel - .44-40 WCF
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sioux Chief holds a Winchester 1873 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rifle is seen on a promotional image.
Winchester Model 1873 Carbine
One more Sioux warrior is seen with a Winchester Model 1873 carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester 1873 - .44-40
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Sioux warrior behind the chief holds what appears to be a Winchester 1873 carbine.
Winchester Model 1876
Posse #4 (Richard Bucher ) is armed with a Winchester Model 1876 rifle during the battle with Comanches in the segment "Near Algodenes". What appear to be a Winchester 1876 is also seen in the gun storage in the saloon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester Model 1876 "sporting" configuration with 26 inch barrel - .45-60 WCF
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Winchester 1876 rifle is seen among the guns in the storage. Other rifles are mostly Winchester carbines of unclear model(s).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The posse member draws his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He holds the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He fires at Comanches.
Spencer 1860
A Spencer 1860 carbine is seen in the gun storage in the saloon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spencer Model 1860 Carbine - .56-56 Spencer rimfire
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Spencer carbine is seen in center.
Hawken rifle
A percussion cap long gun is seen among the belongings of the old prospector in the segment "All Gold Canyon". Most likely it's a kind of Hawken rifle .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hawken Rifle - .50 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The gun is visible among the belongings loaded on the mule.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The percussion cap lock is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The faceted barrel and the long ramrod are seen.
Colt Model 1878
Three short double barreled shotguns that seem to be Colt Model 1878 are seen below the bank counter in the segment "Near Algodenes". The bank teller (Stephen Root ) holds one of these guns. A promotional image allows to see that the shotgun has the barrles plugged; possibly the gun is a mere dummy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 1878 reproduction - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Three shotguns are seen below the bank counter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The bank teller, clad in makeshift armor made of frying pans and other kitchen utensils, runs towards the Cowboy with the shotgun in hands.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the shotgun on a promotional image. Note that the barrels are plugged.
Double Barreled Shotgun
A Double Barreled Shotgun with long barrels are used by Cantina Bartender (Alejandro Patiño) in the segment "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For reference: J. Stevens and Company Side by Side Shotgun (Circa 1878) exposed hammers and designed to fire Black Powder shotgun shells - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shotgun is seen on the wall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The bartender grabs the shotgun. Despite the powder horn hangs near the shotgun, this is definitly a break action weapon, not a muzzleloading one.