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Heavy Object: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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[[File:HO CS BR DVD cover.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Heavy Object (2015-16).]]
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A fictional bullpup rifle is with some IU troops in "A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II". It looks similar to the SA80 rifles without any vent holes.
A fictional bullpup rifle is with some IU troops in "A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II". It looks similar to the SA80 rifles without any vent holes.
[[File:L85A1 left side.jpg|thumb|450px|none|L85A1 with SUSAT - 5.56x45mm]]
[[File:HOE24 01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|An IU soldier confronts Hevia in the middle of "A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II".]]
[[File:HOE24 01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|An IU soldier confronts Hevia in the middle of "A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II".]]
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[[File:HOE3 00.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A M2HB HMG mounted on top of a LK Challenger 2 near the end of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III". The Challenger 2 would normally mount an L37A2 GPMG, an [[FN MAG]] derivative.]]
[[File:HOE3 00.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A M2HB HMG mounted on top of a LK Challenger 2 near the end of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III". The Challenger 2 would normally mount an L37A2 GPMG, an [[FN MAG]] derivative.]]
[[File:HOE3 01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|LK Challenger 2s open fire on FO positions.]]
[[File:HOE3 01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|LK Challenger 2s open fire on FO positions.]]
[[File:M2HB RCWS mount.jpg|thumb|none|450px|M2HB in a RCWS mount - .50 BMG]]
[[File:HOE3 14.jpg|thumb|none|600px|FO APCs with the M2HB mounted on a RCWS mount.]]
[[File:HOE3 14.jpg|thumb|none|600px|FO APCs with the M2HB mounted on a RCWS mount.]]
A M1911A1 appears to be seen held by an adult model on the cover of TERA GOKUN when LK MPs uncover Quenser and Hevia's porn stash at the start of "The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals / Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe actual M1911A1 Pierce Brosnan used in The World Is Not Enough - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA LK MP officer uncovers Quenser and Hevia's *ahem* porn stash at the "The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals / Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I".
SIG-Sauer P226
A SIG-Sauer P226 pistol is used by rogue scientist Sladder Honeysuckle throughout "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City II".
A SIG-Sauer P230 is used by Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers as their main sidearm in the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG-Sauer P230 - 7.65 mm Browning.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia Winchell signals to Quenser Barbotage in the middle of an infiltration op in The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II".Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia peeks with the P230 drawn out.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA good closeup of the P230 in the hands of a LK soldier aimed at disarmed FO soldiers. The pistol appears to be in a blued fashion, but with the area near the trigger guard animated a bit bigger than actual P230s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia aims the pistol at Councilor Flide at the end of "The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser secures the dropped pistol in the middle of "Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains II". Note that it has two screws on the grip instead of one as used by the actual P230. Note the safety on the slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser opens fire at the direction of Break Carrier near the end of "Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingNutley shoots Quenser from the back at the end of "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz I".
Walther P99
A Walther P99 is used by Wydine Uptown and the other Battlefield Cleaning Service contractors as their main sidearm.
A Colt Single Action Army is used by Charlotte Zoom as her main sidearm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingReplica Colt Single Action Army Revolver - .45 Long Colt. This is the screen used gun, held and worn by Viggo Mortensen in the film Hidalgo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe revolver seen in the second OP sequence, "Never Gave".Error creating thumbnail: File missingCharlotte sticks the revolvers into Quenser's chest in "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz I".Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser examines the revolver handed to him by Charlotte in "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II".
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Heckler & Koch MP5A3s outfitted with MP5K stocks are used by BCS PMCs throughout the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMP5A3 with UMP stock, RIS foregrip, KAC railed forend, M68 Aimpoint red dot sight, and weaponlight - 9x19mm. The show has them depicted with the same configuration, except with MP5K-type stocks.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MP5A3 with Wydine Uptown in the second OP sequence, "Never Gave".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe MP5A3 with the team in the second OP sequence, "Never Gave". From left to right: Charm, unnamed, Wydine, unnamed and Lemish.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWydine aims the MP5A3 at Quenser in "You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II".Error creating thumbnail: File missingCharm opens fire at Quenser after he takes out a "box" from his pouch.
Heckler & Koch UMP
A Heckler & Koch UMP 45 was seen in the hands of Ayami Cherryblossom near the end of "You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II".
A fictional variant of the AK-100 rifle series used by Intelligence Union troops as their main assault rifle in the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIU troops conduct a foot patrol to guard Tri-Core's perimeter in "Tom Thum Races Through the Oil Field / Battle to Blockade the Gibraltar I".Error creating thumbnail: File missingA good shot of the rifle's barrel in the hands of an IA soldier. Note that the gas block appears to be extended.
The FAMAS is used by Faith Organization troops as their main assault rifle in the show. They're depicted with an integral grenade launcher underneath the barrel. Sometimes, they're depicted in a conventional or bullpup configuration in some continuity errors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA FO soldier gets shot by Quenser in the middle of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II".Error creating thumbnail: File missingA wounded FO soldier takes aim at Quenser's hilltop position with his FAMAS. Note the barrel of the integrated grenade launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe grenade launcher fires a 40mm grenade at Quenser's hilltop position.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe FO soldier aims his FAMAS at their POWs in the middle of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn this scene, the FAMAS rifles are depicted in a conventional configuration. It also depicts the grenade launcher in an underbarrel configuration as well.
FN F2000
The FN F2000 is seen in the hands of FO troops in an animation error in "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFabrique Nationale F2000 - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingFO soldiers apprehend Milinda Brantini after she ejects from "Baby Magnum" in the middle of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II". They are later seen in the same episode with FAMAS assault rifles instead.
Fictional Assault Rifle
A fictional assault rifle is seen with Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers as their main assault rifle. It has a conventional layout with provisions for scopes, underbarrel devices and a directional microphone.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia Winchell with the assault rifle ported as seen in "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I".Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser Barbotage with the assault rifle slung on his shoulder in the same episode.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote the "SMART" markings on the bullets as seen in "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II".Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser attaches the headset jack onto the rifle in order to uses its directional microphone.Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser scans the area for any audio signals, using the rifle in a similar manner to the Cornershot system.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle being fired at armed FO soldiers from the hill.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLK soldiers charge inside the remains of a FO base near the end of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia opens fire on armed terrorists in a shootout in "In an Obstacle Course Race It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud / The Battle for Supremacy in Antarctica".Error creating thumbnail: File missingCorporal Binary Sallono engages Hevia during a gunfight at the dam in the middle of "Three Legged Mountain Climbing is Life and Death / The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia loads up on a rifle grenade near the end of "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I". Note that an insectide module is mounted underneath the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCharlotte with her assault rifle in "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II". Note that her rifle is different from the rest of what the LK soldiers use, primarily with the scope configurations.Error creating thumbnail: File missingQuenser using the assault rifle's laser designator in "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz III".Error creating thumbnail: File missingHevia shoulders the assault rifle with an attached suppressor, serving as a mid-range DMR in "You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I".
Fictional Bullpup Rifle
A fictional bullpup rifle is with some IU troops in "A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field / The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II". It looks similar to the SA80 rifles without any vent holes.
A fictional carbine-type assault rifle is seen with Oceanian soldiers in armed terrorists in "The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II". and with armed terrorists in Antartica throughout "In an Obstacle Course Race It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud / The Battle for Supremacy in Antartica".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOceanian soldiers take cover from gunfire in "The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II". The soldier on the right appears to have a carbine rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher attached.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIMI Uzi with detachable wood buttstock (early model with straight comb) - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingArmed terrorists with the carbine rifle in "In an Obstacle Course Race It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud / The Battle for Supremacy in Antartica". Note that in this shot, the carbine rifle on the right appears to be influenced by the IMI/IWI Uzi. The one on the left appears to be inspired by 9mm pistol carbine rifles.Error creating thumbnail: File missingM14 rifle - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA good shot of the carbine rifle used by an armed terrorist taking cover during a gunfight.
Battle Rifles
Fictional Battle Rifle
A fictional battle rifle is found discarded in "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I"
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe assault rifle seen near the corpse of dead Mass Driver Conglomerate soldiers in "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I".
Machine Guns
Afanasev A-12.7
What appear to be Afanasev A-12.7s are used by Ocenian Military gunships in the middle of "The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State I".
The M242 Bushmaster chaingun is used by some LK military vehicles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM242 Bushmaster Chain Gun (Current Model) - 25x137mmError creating thumbnail: File missingLK 24th Mobile Maintenance Battalion 8x8 APCs are seen with the mounted M242 Bushmaster in "You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III".
M61 Vulcan
A M61 Vulcan in a CIWS Phalanx-type mount is seen with allied navy ships at the start of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I".
A Barrett M82A1M was used by Frolaytia Capistrano near the end of "The Little Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver / The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III" to gun down a FO commander.
A Heckler & Koch PSG-1 was confiscated by LK soldiers from a LK journalist named Seawax at the start of "The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper / The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II".
A rather poorly-rendered Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle is seen slung on the back of a BCS contractor in "You Can't Put a Price on Honor / The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II".
A Japanese Type 01 LMAT is seen with Heivia Winchell as his main anti-armor weapon throughout the series. The LK military uses it as their main portable anti-armor weapon.
The Type 87 Chu-MAT was used by Hevia in an anti-Object trap in the middle of "The Graveyard of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals / Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I" via remote control activation without the laser designator mounted.
The Type 79 Jyu-MAT is seen with LK soldiers in "The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula Nightime Blitz II", being set for an Object ambush.
M18 Smoke grenades are seen laid out on the ground by Hevia in "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I".
M18 smoke grenade - Red.M18 smoke grenade - Yellow.M18 smoke grenade - Green.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThree smoke grenades (Left) are laid out by Hevia after he and Quenser are surrounded by hostile army ants in the middle of "In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold / The All-Out War in Amazon City I".
Legitimacy Kingdom Oil Rig Base Armory
A few assault/battles rifles are seen in the LK Oil Rig's armory in "Tom Thum Races Through the Oil Field / Battle to Blockade the Gibraltar I".