Longmire - Season 1: Difference between revisions
Longmire - Season 1: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Longmire - Season 1: Difference between revisions
Sheriff Walt Longmire ([[Robert Taylor (II)|Robert Taylor]]) carries a [[Colt Government Model]] with custom stag grips for his duty sidearm. Unlike most men who choose to carry the M1911, Walt chooses to carry in Condition 2 (mag inserted, round chambered, hammer uncocked) which most M1911 users do not recommend for safety reasons.
Sheriff Walt Longmire ([[Robert Taylor (II)|Robert Taylor]]) carries a [[Colt Government Model]] with custom stag grips for his duty sidearm. Unlike most men who choose to carry the M1911, Walt chooses to carry in Condition 2 (mag inserted, round chambered, hammer uncocked) which most M1911 users do not recommend for safety reasons.
[[Image:ColtGovernmentModel.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Colt Government Model M1911A1 - .45 ACP]]
[[Image:ColtGovernmentModel.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Colt Government Model M1911A1 - .45 ACP]]
[[Image:ISS19 06a.jpg|thumb|none|320px|The screen-used Colt pistol used by [[Robert Taylor (II)|Robert Taylor]] in the series ''[[Longmire]]'', from Independent Studio Services. (Image from instagram.com/issweapons/). ]]
[[Image:Longmire_0101_M1911_01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Walt confronts Avo (Nathaniel Arcand) in the pilot.]]
[[Image:Longmire_0101_M1911_01.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Walt confronts Avo (Nathaniel Arcand) in the pilot.]]
[[Image:Longmire_0101_M1911_02.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Note that he's holding his Colt in his injured hand.]]
[[Image:Longmire_0101_M1911_02.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Note that he's holding his Colt in his injured hand.]]
The first season of Longmire premiered on June 3, 2012 on the A&E Network as a summer series and ran for ten episodes. Each episode was capable of standing on its own, but the B story was a serial that ran throughout the season and continued into the second season, with the series slowly unraveling the truth behind just what happened in Denver with Walt's wife and his reelection campaign against his deputy Branch Connally.
The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the television series Longmire:
Sheriff Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) carries a Colt Government Model with custom stag grips for his duty sidearm. Unlike most men who choose to carry the M1911, Walt chooses to carry in Condition 2 (mag inserted, round chambered, hammer uncocked) which most M1911 users do not recommend for safety reasons.
A modified Colt New Service is believed to have been the weapon used in a suicide in "A Damn Shame" (S01E03). It has a Single Action Army-ejector rod, and appears to be similar to the prop used in the original True Grit. Walt says it's chambered in ".45."
"Agent Daxner" (Terry Dale Parks) is armed with a Intratec TEC-9 during his standoff with Walt and his deputies in "A Damn Shame" (S01E03). He fires it semi-automatically.
Jason Lennox (David Lambert) threatens Richard Stark (Aaron Christian Howles) with a stainless Taurus PT911 during a flashback in "Unfinished Business" (S01E10).
Richard Stark (Aaron Christian Howles) tries to shoot himself with an unknown revolver in "Unfinished Business" (S01E10). It's too dark and its appearance too brief to make a proper ID.
Omar (Louis Herthum) fires a Remington Model 700 when waiting for Walt at the range in the pilot. TJ Stewart (Seth Adkins) tries to euthanize a horse with one before Walt takes it away from him in "A Damn Shame" (S01E03).
Octavio Muara (Lobo Sebastian) fires upon Walt and Eli with a modified Norinco Type 56-1 in "The Cancer" (S01E04). His rifle is equipped with a bakelite magazine and a custom flash hider.
Garrett Driggs (Paul McLean) is seen with a Mossberg 500 Field Gun at the start of the pilot. Walt and Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) handle it throughout the episode. Vic correctly identifies it as a "12 gauge Mossberg." Walt takes one away from Lucien Connally (Peter Weller) in "The Worst Kind of Hunter" (S01E06).
Vic carries a Mossberg 500 riot gun when raiding a pot farm in "The Cancer" (S01E04). She carries what is presumably the same gun in "The Worst Kind of Hunter" (S01E06). The Ferg carries what might be the same gun in "Dogs, Horses and Indians" (S01E09).
Neel Cody's father (John A. Lorenz) confronts Walt and Vic with a Double Barreled Shotgun in "Dog Soldier" (S01E05). In a sound editing goof, the sound of a pump action is thrown in. Vic briefly handles a coach gun in "8 Seconds" (S01E07) at a pawn shop before handing it back to the pawn shop owner (J. Michael Oliva).
Omar carries a Palmer Cap-Chur Long Range Projector when he and Vic go off to find a killer bear in "The Worst Kind of Hunter" (S01E06). He quickly switches to his Savage 16/116 when Vic is attacked though.