[[Image:Cell-SheriffPistola.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Cole ([[Dean Norris]]) inspects tire tracks, while an unidentified Sheriff Deputy walks behind him with an Jericho 941 Compact pistol in his holster.]]
[[Image:Cell-SheriffPistola.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Cole ([[Dean Norris]]) inspects tire tracks, while an unidentified Sheriff Deputy walks behind him with an Jericho 941 Compact pistol in his holster.]]
=Submachine Guns
=Submachine Guns=
==Heckler & Koch MP5A2==
==Heckler & Koch MP5A2==
The FBI HRT team is seen with [[Heckler & Koch MP5#Heckler & Koch MP5A2|H&K MP5A2s]] with Navy trigger groups and Surefire lights. Some of the MP5s have C-More Sights mounted.
The FBI HRT team is seen with [[Heckler & Koch MP5#Heckler & Koch MP5A2|H&K MP5A2s]] with Navy trigger groups and Surefire lights. Some of the MP5s have C-More Sights mounted.
Several veteran FBI agents appear to carry the early pattern SIG-Sauer P220 pistol. It could be either a SIG P220 in .45 ACP or a SIG P226 in .40 S&W). It is difficult to determine an exact model, as the weapons are never drawn.
The sheriffs all seem to carry the same holstered handgun. The grip indicates it to be some sort of compact semiauto but it is hard to determine, but it appears to be a Jericho 941 Compact.
FBI HRT teams are seen using XM177-style carbine, which is actually the civilian Olympic Arms K3B CAR clone, fitted with tactical lights. The HRT members carrying the K3B CARs are always paired up with a member carrying an MP5A2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOlympic Arms K3B CAR carbine - 5.56x45mm NATO. This is Olympic Arms' XM177 look-a-like variation for the civilian market, featuring an 11.5" heavy barrel and 5.5" flash hider, and was available with either A1, A1E1, or A2-style upper receivers (the latter is shown here). This weapon is a common stand-in for the XM177 in Hollywood productions made in the 1990s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTwo FBI HRT members one with an MP5A2 w/ Tactical light and the other with Olympic Arms K3B CAR.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTwo FBI HRT members one with an MP5A2 w/ Tactical light and the other with K3B CAR.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe FBI HRT entry team member to the left has a K3B CAR - this image clearly shows the long "mock" XM177-style flash hider with two notch rings at the base, the distinguishing characteristic of the Olympic Arms XM177-style clones.