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The Lookout (French title: Le Guetteur) is a 2012 French crime drama (not to be confused with the 2007 American movie The Lookout) directed by Michele Placido. The film is about Mattei (Daniel Auteuil), a relentless police officer who struggles to take down a high-end gang of bank robbers led by Vincent Kaminsky (Mathieu Kassovitz), a former special operations marksman.
Mattei (Daniel Auteuil) and other police officers are seen with the SIG SP 2022 as their service pistol. It is most notably seen in the opening sequence, during the bank robbery. SP 2022 pistols are later used by Franck (Olivier Gourmet) and Vincent (Mathieu Kassovitz), but Vincent's pistol changes to a P226R in a continuity error.
A RAID member is seen using a SIG Pro SP 2009. The RAID is the tactical unit of the French National Police, specialized in domestic counter-terrorism and law enforcement.
This is David's (Jérôme Pouly) sidearm and Vincent's main weapon after the bank shooting. However, there seems to be a continuity error: Vincent uses an earlier version of the SIG-Sauer P226 (without any rails) when he threatens Franck Vernon (Olivier Gourmet). A few minutes later, he is seen holding a more recent version of the gun, with a Picatinny rail. Near the end of the movie, he is seen with a SIG SP 2022 and is forced to drop the pistol, but the following shot shows a P226R being dropped instead.
Meyer (Nicolas Briançon) carries a Glock 17 as his weapon of choice. During the bank robbery, the pistol is taken by Vincent when he disarms him. Judging by the aspect of the gun and the absence of a rail, it seems to be a "Second Generation" model.
A police officer uses a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 during the shooting at the bank. The gun features a UMP folding stock and a tactical handguard with MIT rails.
David (Jérôme Pouly) seems to be using the 5.56x45mm model of the Romanian AIMR during the bank robbery. It's a realistic weapon choice since most of the assault rifles used in crime operations in France are Eastern European copies of AK-type rifles.
During the opening bank robbery shootout, Vincent (Mathieu Kassovitz) uses a French PGM Ultima Ratio as his weapon of choice. The rifle is chambered in .308 Winchester and fed with a 10-round detachable box magazine. In this scene, Vincent deliberately wounds the police officers instead of killing them. Besides the dramatic effect, this shows that his degree of skill and training is clearly above that of an average bank robber. It's an appropriate rifle for a former top-level military assassin.
Towards the end of the film, Mattei gets a hold of a SIG SG 550 SR fitted with a folding bipod and an adjustable sniper buttstock. Its previous owner fired it full-auto, but Mattei fires it semi-auto (probably not to hit any civilians).