Bennie the Howl (Benya Krik): Difference between revisions
Bennie the Howl (Benya Krik): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Bennie the Howl (Benya Krik): Difference between revisions
During the robbery Saveliy Butsis (Aleksandr Sashin) and Lyovka Byk (Teodor Brainin) hold revolvers of unclear model. Possibly this is a single gun that is seen in hands of different characters due to continuty errors. The revolver bears resemblance with [[Webley RIC]] family but seems to lack the swing-out ejector rod.
During the robbery Saveliy Butsis (Aleksandr Sashin) and Lyovka Byk (Teodor Brainin) hold revolvers of unclear model. Possibly this is a single gun that is seen in hands of different characters due to continuity errors. The revolver bears resemblance with [[Webley RIC]] family but seems to lack the swing-out ejector rod.
[[File:Benya Krik-Revolver-1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Drunk Saveliy Butsis brandishes his revolver. When later he fires at the bank manager, his gun switches to a Nagant.]]
[[File:Benya Krik-Revolver-1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Drunk Saveliy Butsis brandishes his revolver. When later he fires at the bank manager, his gun switches to a Nagant.]]
Bennie the Howl (Benya Krik; the American release title incorrectly translates "Krik" as a nickname while this is a Jewish surname) is a 1926 Soviet B&W silent film directed by Vladimir Vilner. The plot is adapted from both Isaak Babel's short stories The Odessa Tales and the real life of Mikhail Vinnitsky aka Mishka Yaponchik, the prototype of the titular character. Benya Krik, nicknamed "The King", is a crime boss of Jewish descent in the city of Odessa. His gang organises protection racket, and when one of the Odessa richmen refuses to pay, Benya robs his bank. During the Russian Civil War, Benya under the influence of Bolshevik Sobkov teams with Reds, reforming his gang into a Red Army regiment. But instead of fighting against the enemies of the revolution, the "regiment" continues robberies and revellings, and at last Benya finds his bitter end.
Nagant M1895 revolvers are seen in hands of Benya Krik (Yuri Shumsky), Froim Grach (Osip Merlatti) and Lyovka Byk (Teodor Brainin) during the bank robbery in 1917. The head of the Militsiya of the Provisional Government Tsysin (Leonid Chembarskiy) and several of his subordinates also carry Nagants. In the scenes, set during the Russian Civil War, Nagants are used by Red Commissar Sobkov (Sergei Minin) and his aide Kochetkov (Ivan Sizov).
During the robbery Saveliy Butsis (Aleksandr Sashin) and Lyovka Byk (Teodor Brainin) hold revolvers of unclear model. Possibly this is a single gun that is seen in hands of different characters due to continuity errors. The revolver bears resemblance with Webley RIC family but seems to lack the swing-out ejector rod.
In the scene, set in 1914, Russian Imperial police personnel carry Smith & Wesson No. 3 Russian Model revolvers. The revolvers are seen only in holsters. Small parts of the grips and the lanyards prove that the holsters aren't empty.
Abdullah the Persian (Georgi Astafyev) and Kol'ka Pakovskiy (Nikolai Nademsky) carry Colt M1911 pistols during the bank robbery. Tsysin (Leonid Chembarskiy) holds an M1911 together with a Nagant M1895. Benya Krik (Yuri Shumsky) carries an M1911 in the final scene.
Benya Krik (Yuri Shumsky) carries a Steyr M1912 in addition to a Nagant M1895 revolver in one scene, set during the Civil War. Later Kol'ka Pakovskiy (Nikolai Nademsky) is seen with a Steyr 1912.
An armored car, armed with Maxim M1910 machine guns in the turret and in the sides of the hull, is used by Tsysin's Militsiya unit. This is a full-scale mockup without a direct prototype, made specially for filming. Same vehicle is also seen in Arsenal (1929).