Urgent... Secret... Gubcheka (Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka): Difference between revisions
Urgent... Secret... Gubcheka (Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Urgent... Secret... Gubcheka (Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka): Difference between revisions
Urgent... Secret... Gubcheka (Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka; "Gubcheka" is a short for "Gubernial CheKa") is a 1982 Soviet adventure movie directed by Aleksandr Kosarev. The plot is set in 1921 in Yakutia, during the Russian Civil War. The Whites plan to pay for the Japanese assistance by a payload of valuable furs. The Gubcheka sends a special unit across enemy lines. The unit successfully seizes the furs, but the guide of the unit is killed in action, so the return through the tayga is impossible. A new guide moves to meet the unit across the territory, controlled by Whites.
The following weapons were used in the film Urgent... Secret... Gubcheka (Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka):
Numerous characters, notably the commander of the special unit Aksyonov (Stepan Yemelyanov), the Comissar of the special unit Basmanova (Irina Korotkova), a Cossack officer Sitnikov (German Kachin) and Staff-Capt. Goryunov (Yuri Yeryomin), are armed with Nagant M1895 revolvers. All Nagants in the movie are of anachronistic post-1930 version.
White officers in the scene on the river steamer Svyatoy Georgiy and White Cossacks carry Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles. Many rifles are seen in distance, and the exact model cannot be identified.
Anachronstic Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbines are used by several men of the special unit, White officers and Cossacks, and an Yakut reindeer herder. The hooded front sights are removed on some carbines to make them look more like Mosin Nagants of early 20th century.
The Red unit has a ZB-26 machine gun, anachronistic for early 1920s. In all scenes the machine gun lacks its magazine (presumably to resemble the more appropriate belt/clip fed machine guns, such as Hotchkiss M1909).
A White tachanka horse cart with a Maxim M1910/30 machine gun, used as a stand-in for original M1910, is seen during the chase after Aksyonov in Yakutsk.
In the scene on the steamer, a Zip Gun is found in the belongins of the schoolboy May Zhuravlyov (Aleksandr Stishyonok).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingZhuravlyov's "pugach" (a popular Russian term for such zip guns, literally "frightener") is nothing more than a pipe mounted onto a wooden grip.